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How are alcohol & sucide linked?

I wouldn't have known what I read on the latest fact sheet released by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, unless it popped into my mailbox today. My favourite section was the invitation to act. What can we do to reduce the risk in our communities: at work, between colleagues, in our day-to-day conversations, and improve awareness and access?

Today, there are more than you might imagine who self-medicate with either mind-numbing substances or activities. It might surprise you to learn than an addiction to work, or even a hobby might become an addiction or being used to cover or insulate us from pain or a past traumatic incident. At times, this is my struggle. I can spend countless hours telling myself I'm writing a blog post, or even working on my manuscript, for the health and wellness of my community while I'm actually neglecting self-care, and relationships I value.

I spent endless hours on weekends as an teacher, when my mental health would have been better served at home with my family, or prioritizing my spiritual, physical or mental health. *This is me, what about you? How are you prioritizing your time? Might you be insulating yourself from past pain or a traumatic incident?

I invite you to consider your own bigger picture, health & wellness. CHCC's fact sheets are incredibly eye-opening.

I simply choose to invite you to consider the bigger picture and through a lens of curiosity. Together, as we realize the importance of caring for eachother with humility and kindness rather than judgement and accusations, we can be stronger together.

It's impossible to know what's going on inside someone's mind or body at first glance. What might be invisible to the eyes of an observer may be the result of grief, loss or trauma. I've learned that trauma isn't what happened to you, it’s what happened inside of you, as a result of what happened to you.

Let's choose kindness and compassion and to listen with


I invite you to head to the Mental Health Commission of Canada's website for further information and to choose to prioritize conversations about mental health.

I invite you to download MHCC's most recent fact sheet: Alcohol Use and Suicide FACT SHEET, and others provided by the Mental Health Commission of Canada which offers various exceptionally well researched, and evidence based articles and resources.

Check out MHCC's blog (and locate thought-provoking stories about mental health for youth, seniors, and other diverse populations, learn about their podcast, among other interesting articles.)

Check out MHCC's Media Center (and browse for their latest advisories, releases, and statements.

Check out MHCC's Training (and make a commitment to learn more about mental health first aide, which will help with your own mental health and wellness, in addition to your loved ones, friends, colleagues, and your community.

Thank you for taking the time to elevate mental health conversations❣️

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